Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What a Difference a Year Makes

It's really hard to believe that last Christmas I had only known for two days that I was pregnant for the first time.  It was such an amazing and hopeful time.  It's even harder to believe that I went from this:

to this:

in one short year, and the hope and love and excitement I felt last year was intensified by a billion this Christmas.  


We had a beautiful, wonderful, amazing first Christmas for our little girl, and I truly hope all of yours were just as special.


  1. all the pictures of Josie in this post suggest that she is a drunk.

    the first one is the bleary eyed confused drunk
    then the happy drunk
    then the "do I need to throw up?" drunk
    then the "I feel weird but if I just focus on this for a while I'll feel better" drunk
    followed by the last hoorah of happiness
    and finally the pass out.

    and I mean, who doesn't love a drunk baby?

  2. Why, why, why is she so damned cute?!
    Merry, merry!

  3. Vic -- shut it.

    Sarah P. -- Thank you thank you!


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