Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dear Parking Lot Guy: I Will Remember Your Face for All of My Days. Watch Your Back.

Okay, so I have the super-duper-mad rants today. Like, there is so much madness in my blood right now that it is liable to jump around so hard that all of a sudden it will get sick of staying inside me and use its monster teeth to rip through my veins and then squirt out and get all over YOUR FACE. So WATCH OUT.

Just kidding. I love you all. I am really just mad at this little punk ass bitch who ruined my morning.  

Let me set the scene for you: It is pouring rain. I am five minutes late for work. There is not a parking space in sight across the HUGE campus parking lot. Then ... that looks like a spot! A spot! I race over, only to find ...

I kid you not. A truck taking up FOUR SPACES because the person who owns it is SO IMPORTANT that they must keep away from the rabble around them. At this point, I was already seething. Really? REALLY?!?! You think this is acceptable behavior, truck guy? You think it is okay to STEAL three parking spaces from people who need them just because you have some sort of compensation thing going on with you and your big red truck?

I was sitting there thinking about how much I wanted to punch this person and trying to remember if there were surveillance cameras that would catch me keying this assbutt's car when, all of a sudden, I realized that the guy was SITTING IN HIS CAR. Yeah. Just hanging out and enjoying the weather. Watching us lowly peasants look for spots that didn't exist because of HIM.

So I did what anyone with a rage problem would do. I motioned for him to move. Repeatedly.  Like, many many times. He stared me right in the eyes and otherwise ignored my pleas.  So I stared at him. Staring contest, bitch. I was ready to go. My hand starting creeping toward my cell phone where I had campus security on speed dial. My heart was racing. I was screaming on the inside.

Then, just when I thought about getting out and tapping sweetly on his window, my baby gave me a rousing kick in the belly to remind me that all of my angry-lady hormones were washing over its innocent brain. 

Damn. You win this time, selfish-rude-bastard-man. I am hurting my baby over you, and now that I have realized that, I must back down. Oh, how I wish I hadn't backed down.

And now the baby is kicking me again to remind me that reliving the moment is sending bad vibes down to the baby-storing area. Crap. I was a bad mom twice in one day and the little sucker isn't even born yet. Might as well stop off for some fast food on the way home while I'm at it.

So, is there a moral to this story? Probably not. But, I do have one wish for you, my dear readers: May your rage-filled moments never be interrupted by a fetus.  



  1. No, I think baby was telling you to kick his ass and baby was already starting. Duh.

    Dude- in times like this, you get out, bang on window and scream. Totally acceptable. In cases where they aren't in their car, I leave a really nasty seething note. And use duct tape to put in on their window. I seriously have duct tape, notepad, sharpie, scissors in my car. Take that losers.

  2. hold on, if you can't use pregnancy to rant on some fuck stick ass hole then what the hell is it good for? Yes, I know you are getting a baby out of the deal but come on! You have to use what you've got. I know, I have 2 kiddos and prego hormones are a bitch. ~ Steph

  3. I got the best "bad parking notes" from Wry and Ginger on Etsy.com. I love them! Even if the people aren't in their cars, you can leave them a little laminated, angry note expressing your displeasure with their parking fail :)

  4. If you tell me this happened at the Physician's Health building off Tesson Ferry Rd. in St. Louis county yesterday, I will freak - because I saw the exact same thing! Only the truck was white and it wasn't raining, so maybe there are just a LOT of these jerks out there. I don't have a fetus in me so I just let the rage wash over me and then probably took it out on some other innocent soul.

  5. This man in every way completely deserves a throat punch. He is lucky you had a baby to remind you to play nice because I would have gone all ninja on his ass.

    Visiting from lady bloggers tea party.

  6. Just discovered your blog from MODG, and am now a follower! You are too funny! I hate when people are so rude with their parking!!!

  7. Sara -- Yeah, I was about to get out and bang on his window, but I am a "professor" at that particular "institution of higher learning." So ... might have lost my job.

    Holy Hannah -- I have no idea why I didn't think of things that way ...

    Mari -- word.

    Lisa -- I think I definitely need to invest in some!

    JustLinda -- too funny!

    SWS -- I wish I could have delivered a sweet throat punch!

    Mrs. Dixon -- Glad to have you! :)

  8. Sara -- Yeah, I was about to get out and bang on his window, but I am a "professor" at that particular "institution of higher learning." So ... might have lost my job.

    Holy Hannah -- I have no idea why I didn't think of things that way ...

    Mari -- word.

    Lisa -- I think I definitely need to invest in some!

    JustLinda -- too funny!

    SWS -- I wish I could have delivered a sweet throat punch!

    Mrs. Dixon -- Glad to have you! :)


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